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How Much Chemotherapy Success To Treat A Cancer Patient?

Home / How Much Chemotherapy Success To Treat A Cancer Patient?

By expert research “Chemotherapy is the best treatment for Cancer “ But before take treatment we should know about treatment process and how to prevent and that treatment we take it is helpful or not.

Firstly, we should know about chemotherapy. Chemotherapy is developed at Second World War time when scientist realizes mustard deadly gas used to kill people in war than they produce – Cyclophosphamide. It can be capable of killing the dividing cells or killing cancer cell rapidly.

Advantage of Chemotherapy:

Chemotherapy is a better treatment for a cancer cell. The specialty of chemotherapy, firstly chemotherapy dividing the cell of the body in two ways, we know that our body made up billions of cells but if we fully grow then most of the body’s cell stop dividing and a huge amount of multiplying cell. But if our body wants to some repair then it automatically divides otherwise not.

In cancer, Body cell will not divide only multiplying, body cell will divide into 2 parts before time body cell has 1 part but now it becomes 2 parts. After 2 parts of body cell become 4 parts it will simultaneously divide again and generate a mass of the cell. This mass of cell become tumor after some time because after dividing many time cells will be weak this is main causes to affected by cancer and become a tumor. In any case realize cancer symptoms then get Online Appointment with Cancer Specialist and make secure life.

Chemotherapy has many drugs to stop the dividing of body cell as well as prevent the body cell from damaging and have the ability to kill the cancer cell. Chemotherapy is a solution of chemical it enters in the body and stops to damaging body cell.

Four Types we use chemotherapy:

  1. With the help of injection, we take into the bloodstream or nervous.
  2. A drip into the blood streams through nervous.
  3. With Tablets
  4. Capsules also.

In this process chemotherapy reach every cell in our body and kill the infected cell of the virus, with this process chemotherapy protect our body; this process is also systematic treatment.

Side-effect of Chemotherapy:

Everyone knows; everything has a positive and negative point. The treatment side effect is also one of worst point of Chemotherapy. During treatment If chemotherapy affected cancer cell then it also this cell which can’t affect that’s a reason it has some side-effect like hair fall, vomiting, bone tissue death, decreased white and red cells, hearing loss, anemia, blindness and many more side-effect.

Chemotherapy is also big reason to loss a patient kidney and liver and directly attack immune system of the patient.

Some patient goes through another treatment like radiation therapy, Surgery therapy and much more but everyone have some harm also, anyone has more harm and anyone less.

Chemotherapy is used to destroy the cancer cell of the body but if it is a success then more chances to obtain side-effects of cancer, cancer treatment centers says, Chemotherapy kill the cancer cell or Tumor and stop to dividing the cell but it does not have any guarantee to tumor not become again in the body.

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